Directions To The

King Arthur Faire Grounds

The King Arthur Faire Grounds are located north of Hwy 44 near Stroud, Oklahoma.
The route you want to take from Dallas to Stroud is:
  1. US75 to Durant,
  2. Hwy 48 to Tupelo,
  3. Hwy 3 to Ada,
  4. Hwy 99 to Stroud.

It takes right at 4 hours to get to KAF from Dallas while staying within the speed limit. This makes the trip only about 30 minutes longer than from Dallas to the old Norman landsite.

By the way: do not be fooled by all those lovely highways on the map.... even in perfect driving conditions (good weather, no traffic, no accidents, and no road work) they add at least an hour to the trip.

Here's an overview of the trip from Durant to KAF. The KAF grounds are identified by the yellow star at the top of the map and Durant is located neear the bottom of this map.

About half the trip is 4 lane divided highway and about half the trip is 2 lane lightly traveled highway. If I were coming from Ft Worth or Lewisville, I would go up I-35 to north of Ardmore and take the Hwy 7 exit to Sulphur and then take Hwy 1 to Ada. From Ada, take Hwy 99 to Stroud. That should save at least 1/2 hour as compared to taking I35 to I44 to Stroud.

To get to the King Arthur Faire grounds from Stroud:

  1. Go north on Hwy 99 for about 3 miles.
  2. Go east (turn right) on Stroud Lake Road for 2 miles.
  3. Go north (turn left) on Graham Road for 1 mile.
  4. The Faire grounds are on the west (left) side of the road.
    The actual Faire Site is north of the parking area, under the trees.

The IFGS compound is a ways in the Faire Grounds - about 1000 meters from the main gate. Head northwest from the main gate, and the IFGS area will be to the left of the Troll Bridge.


If you have any questions, please contact the webmaster.